从事瑜伽行业 14 年,Jean Zhang 老师始终以专业与热情,引领每一位学员开启内心的平静与力量之旅。她毕业于印度布那国际瑜伽学院,持有多项国际权威认证:
Jean Zhang 老师创立了洛杉矶梵谷瑜伽圣盖博店与尔湾店。并于2025年在休斯顿创办了一家独具温度的瑜伽普拉提馆,为学员提供肩颈理疗、产后修复与精准顺位等专业服务。
休斯顿店 课程内容
classes content
普拉提大器械 / 哈他瑜伽 / 空中瑜伽 / 阴瑜伽 / 流瑜伽 / 孕产瑜伽 / 肩颈调理 / 精准顺位 / 商卡排毒
Pilates Equipment/Hatha Yoga/Aerial Yoga/Yin Yoga/Flow Yoga/Maternity Yoga/Shoulder and Neck Conditioning/Precise Position/Intestinal cleansing method.
休斯顿店 课程价格
classes price
1vs1 私人定制 / 1vs2 专业指导 / 1vs4 精品小班
休斯顿店 联系我们
contact us
微信: Yogazxn
电话: +1 218 288 2888
地址:11211 Richmond Ave, #108, Houston. TX 77082, U.S.A
Note: In different states and different cities in the United States, the fees will be different due to land price, rent, labor and other factors. Please call the specific classroom to ask for the membership card information. members can enjoy all the courses and services of the store. If change the store permanently, member must transfer title to new store and accept its explantation. The membership card is non-transferable, and has a deadline.